Wednesday, 20 January 2016

4K DTH streaming in India will make its mark in 2016 via Samsung’s Tizen OS

It may be too early to talk about future of 4K television in India, but surely one can expect 2016 to be lot better for the display technology than what we've seen till date. Samsung is known for its 4K (and SUHD) prowess; and with Airtel, they're looking to make television viewing better than ever before.

Now, Airtel will ensure that the content gets pushed out at a much faster pace than what is available right now. Over the past couple of years, direct streaming is a popular platform for TV culture in household. And in order to make things 4K-clear, major names like Samsung and Airtel are said to be teaming up yet again.

This hardly comes as a surprise but what's interesting to note is the route that Samsung intends to partake so that 4K content is ready to be offered to public. The Korean brand is making use of its Tizen operating system, which we've already seen running on its Smart and 4K TVs, aiding Airtel's cause for proliferating 4K content next year.

The same was confirmed by Airtel at the Tizen Developer Summit earlier this year and Samsung is being entrusted with offering the DTH provider with hardware as well software support. While 4K technology has been around for a while in the country but for the quality to become truly acceptable, the need for content is more than apparent.

Apparently, Samsung will be making revisions to its Tizen OS for television that will be decoded to support 4K content at all levels. In addition to offering content, Tizen will offer Airtel the chance to provide its own set of applications via app store on the Samsung 4K TV series.
Airtel will be introducing its UHD variant of set-top boxes later year. This way, 2016 can become the foundation for 4K-revolution in India and we're excited.


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