Tuesday, 21 March 2017

DTH at a Glance: Can you be your own problematic fave?

Good morning, and welcome to an eerily climate-changey Spring!

Rather than telling a regrettable story that is embarrassing and awful to the 3,000 of you today, I opted to tell one to about 10,000 in my column today. If you're interested in hearing about my dated, problematic views about gay politics from high school, here you go.

If you'd rather reminisce about d00k failing miserably over the weekend, 1) same, and 2) here you go.

— Danny


    While the Black Student Movement and UNC Muslim Students Association have their own spaces to coordinate on campus, Latinx students are still pushing to have their own meeting place.
    A new student-run business is charging $5 to $7 to clean peers' shoes around campus.
    Part-time athlete, full-time DTH Swerve writer Zach Goins discusses the meme that's dragging student-athletes across Twitter. And I continue to live in fear that this meme will eventually come for student journalists.


Someone reported a person drawing obscene pictures on a whiteboard at Chapel Hill Public Library. Another person attempted a burglary but reportedly opened the front door and was scared away by the victim.


Lifelong Chapel Hill resident Marian Cheek Jackson died at age 92 on March 4. She's remembered by loved ones as someone who would call the community center named after her in Northside to make sure someone was checking up on her neighbors.


A Chapel Hill man was sentenced to life in prison without parole for the murder of UNC professor Feng Liu. Liu was found beaten and robbed on West University Drive on July 23, 2014. A second man is awaiting trial.


Hillsborough police are selling #HillsboroughRocks T-shirts to help kids go to basketball camp, which just feels very right. They've sold about 450 shirts so far.

Resource : http://www.dailytarheel.com/blog/dth-at-a-glance/2017/03/dth-at-a-glance-can-you-be-your-own-problematic-fave